Wide view of MIT Open space plaza on a sunny day, with MIT Health, MIT Building E23, and other campus building visible in the background and two pedestrians in the foreground, one walking a bicycle

Nobody knows MIT better than we do.

Flu information

Mark your calendars for the 2024 MIT Health Flu Clinic  
Monday–Friday, October 7–10 
9 a.m.–5 p.m. at Walker Memorial (Building 50).

Group counseling

MIT Health’s Student Mental Health & Counseling Services offers a variety of support, discussion, and skill-based groups for MIT students. 

MIT Health: Convenient, affordable, quality care

MIT employees, you can make appointments, request prescription refills, get lab results, and ask questions at your convenience from your laptop or mobile device.

MIT responds to threat of mosquito-borne illnesses

Cambridge and surrounding communities are at high risk for West Nile virus. Learn about precautions you should take.